Best Packaging Manufacturer & Supplier In UAE

  • +971 561-515-110

Quality Control


Quality Control

We believe quality can win us the customer for life and we work on the same philosophy. Thus, right from sourcing the raw material from trusted vendors to proper manufacturing to final testing and packing, our experts keep their eyes on every detail that ensures their reliability and unmatched performance. We swear by industry-guidelines and make sure every unit that goes out of our facility is as per those standards. We use graded material for manufacturing and export quality packing for ensuring their safety during transportation.

Gulf International Packaging FZC is committed to provide high quality products and success to customers:
• We shall recognize and respect our customers with quality product, on time delivery and within budgeted cost.
• We shall endeavour to exceed our customer’s expectation of quality performance, delivery schedule and value for money.
• We shall strive constantly to improve our standard of quality and productivity.
• As ISO 9001:2015 Certified company.
• Testing Facility available as per IS/NFC Standard.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

At Gulf International Packaging FZC, we prioritize our clients before anything, when it comes to finding the perfect packaging materials/ solutions for your business.